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Assistance with mesh problem in SCK

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Why do you keep putting the extra shapes under that Fahrbod:34 NiNode?    Where are you editing this thing?

So, I open your malebody_0.nif  in NifScope.     

  • Ctrl+C torsofeathers mesh under Fahrbod, Ctrl+V it under SceneRoot.   
  • Ctrl+Del   Both Fahrbod:34 and HIMBO
  • Spells - Optimize - Remove Bogus Nodes and Unused Strings.   Save and Close.
  • Start OutfitStudio, File - Load Reference - HIMBO Body (SoS Phys)
  • File - Import - From NIF - import the saved malebody_0.nif, which now only has torsofeathers.
  • Select torsofeathers, click bones, select all bones, delete from shape.
  • Next I turn off textures, switch HIMBO Body to wireframe, and start using Inflate/Deflate and Move brushes to make the feathers better fit the body.
  • Then torsofeathers - copy bone weights.    Then Mask Bone Weights, and then again Copy Bone weights, wit ha radius of 7.
  • Add SkirtBBone02 and 03 from Skeleton, weight the Tail to those.
  • Now again, I mask Weighted vertices, press Q so that vertices are highlighted.    I see there are a few green dots inside the dody.    I just delete those vertices.
  • Then I save the BodySlide project, with similar prameters as the female.


Them I select torsofeathers, and go Slider - Conform Selected.      Now, I test out various sliders, and see that tail feathers are not responding too well.  So I mask just the tail feathers, Invert mask, and then again do Slider- Conform Selected - and increase search radius to 20.   Save the project again.

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Next, getting the arm feathers.    Open the female project, right-click on arm mesh, choose Export to NIF.    Same for arm001 mesh.   Now in the male project, File - Import - From NIF,  import both arm feather meshes.    Checking their bone weights the y seem to be close enough, so I leave them as is.   They can be tweaked later.    However, for both arm meshes I do Slider - Conform Selected. and Save.

Here is the result





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