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Thanks to mods like the borders of the world (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/72600) we have access to very interesting places that invite for deep intervention, so I started editing some areas beyond borders in creation kit.
Lately, I went as far as modyfing the terrain of a 7x7 cell area west of Nuka World station in the commonwealth. I even created an esp with a settlement there.
There is a problem seemingly related to the LOD: the edits I have done cannot be seen in the distance unless you increase the uGridsToLoad to 7, which with my not so good computer produces CTDs in downtown Boston. Therefore, the solution, as far as I can reason (I am new in active modding) would be to re-generate the LOD for this particular area at least.
Most of the tutorials I have seen for FO4 are devoted to new world spaces. I found this for skyrim, which answers exactly the question: https://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/7864-sky-changing-tamriel-landscape-and-regenerating-lods/. The issue is that when trying to use the function Wold LOD, CK crashes seconds after starting the process. It could be again an issue with my limited computing resources. The other option would be to follow this guide (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49362) but it seems to me that this is intended to regenerate the entire world's LOD, which is not my intention.
Does anyone know how to deal with this in a relatively simple way? In other words: is there a relatively simple way to generate LOD in particular groups of cells?

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The simplest way to deal with this is to require your users who want distant LOD in your new cells to use FO4LODGen - A Guide on how to generate LOD

This is not ideal however as generating one's own LOD is a journeyman level task and most cannot manage it.

Ive seen new LOD added by various mods for specific area's so i know it is possible.

Do you use CK platform extended? Might help with the crash if you don't.

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Thanks worm82705. The guide you mention is exactly the same I refered to in my question, and in that I cannot read any mention to partial world LOD generation. In fact no options in the screenshot of xlodgen seem to refer to specific cells. Correct me if I am wrong.

 No, I do not use the platform extended. Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try.

EDIT: I just installed the CKPE. From the few things I saw, it has very nice features and corrects some important things in CK. However, I get the same result with World LOD: CK crashes after few second. Now, I can tell that the set of cells I have edited consists of 154 cells (the cell of xy 00 gets also loaded, which I don't understand) comprising a region in the range x=-54 to -37 and y=1 to 12 (not all in this square are touched though). Most likely I am doing something wrong with the LOD generation. If someone can explain to me how to navigate the options, I will appreciate it much. I refer to this:


Edited by RolazLaguna
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