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A way to add tracks?

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About Tuner:


I have masked "useless" controls with red color.
Controls masked with orange color need adaption for in-game use.
Unmasked controls are suitable as is for in-game use.

Re orange masked controls, there is two things to consider:

- 7 segment display: Frequency has 4 decimal places (at least) in FO4 game universe
- Bargraph frequency display: The bar would have to have an impractically enormous amount of individual lights to be implemented 1:1 in game world.

I suggest ditching the bargraph and using the space to enlargen the 7segment display so that it can show the necessary number of decimal places. Or, I could provide this ready-made solution for the frequency display.

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, niston said:

About Tuner:


I have masked "useless" controls with red color.
Controls masked with orange color need adaption for in-game use.
Unmasked controls are suitable as is for in-game use.

Re orange masked controls, there is two things to consider:

- 7 segment display: Frequency has 4 decimal places (at least) in FO4 game universe
- Bargraph frequency display: The bar would have to have an impractically enormous amount of individual lights to be implemented 1:1 in game world.

I suggest ditching the bargraph and using the space to enlargen the 7segment display so that it can show the necessary number of decimal places. Or, I could provide this ready-made solution for the frequency display.

Yes, your display looks fine. What needs to be done for it in the model? What should the mounting location for this scoreboard look like? Also... The original has LED panels. LEDs fill the multipath scale (I don’t know what it shows), signal, frequency adjustment. Technically, all those useless windows can be animated decoratively. I just need to understand what multipath is. 😁 I have a busy day tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll have time to finish the tuner tomorrow. If I don’t have time tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow.

Edited by South8028
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In FM radio transmission, multipath is undesirable phenomena.

It happens when there are multiple paths (hence the name) for the radio signal to travel from transmitter antenna to receiver antenna. How is this possible? Radio waves can and do reflect off of surfaces:



The multipath propagation mode is undesirable in FM because radio waves at the same frequency will interfere with each other just like the ripples on a water surface will do if you throw two stones into the water. Because of subtle timing differences between the multiple paths, this creates phasing effects at the receiver like wave cancellation and leads to bad reception.

Note that in other transmission systems (such as 802.11n and newer wlan, 5G and other modern wireless technology), multipath propagation can be exploited using so called MIMO systems with multiple antennae at the transmitter and receiver. Instead of suffering from bad reception, these systems can leverage multipath propagation to considerably improve transmission bandwidth, treating each of the multiple paths as an independent transmission channel (even though they all operate at the same frequency).

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1 minute ago, niston said:

In FM radio transmission, multipath is undesirable phenomena.

It happens when there are multiple paths (hence the name) for the radio signal to travel from transmitter antenna to receiver antenna. How is this possible? Radio waves can and do reflect off of surfaces:

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The multipath propagation mode is undesirable in FM because radio waves at the same frequency will interfere with each other just like the ripples on a water surface will do if you throw two stones into the water. This creates phasing effects like cancellation and leads to bad reception.

Note that in other transmission systems (such as 802.11n and newer wlan, 5G and other modern wireless technology), multipath propagation can be exploited using so called MIMO systems with multiple antennae at the transmitter and receiver. Instead of suffering from bad receptions, these systems can leverage multipath propagation to considerably improve transmission bandwith.

Thanks for such a detailed explanation. I think now I can draw a 5g icon on the tuner and use that LED scale.🙂

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The display is organized around attached component, which can be placed on front panel.
If you examine NIF in 3d viewer, you will see there is dedicated NiNode for each nixie tube that makes up the display under "NixieNodes" node. Instead of using attached component NIF, it may be possible to integrate NiNodes for individual Nixie tubes directly in main nif.

In any case, display script will spawn individual tubes, placed on and attched to said NiNodes. If given a floating point number, it'll access the individual tubes to display positive or negative numbers with up to 10 digits in total (including sign and decimal dot), whereas the decimal dot operates in floating point fashion and will move depending on what number is to be displayed: For example, it can show "1000.2" or "10.0", but it can also show "10.0000001" or "-100.005" or "4299"

There is also a set of "mock-up" nixies in the nif. To make it visible, set Node Flags on "MockNixies" NiNode from 15 to 14 (clear "hidden" flag).


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Testing the IC150 NIF in-game, with control elements spawned at nodes:



As you can see, attach node rotation is off by -90°.
I shall correct this in my copy of the Base NIF. You may want to do the same in your max file. Also did rename some Nodes, for consistency with names used in script. Gonna upload NIF later.

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Posted (edited)
58 minutes ago, niston said:

Testing the IC150 NIF in-game, with control elements spawned at nodes:

  Reveal hidden contents


As you can see, attach node rotation is off by 90°.
I shall correct this in my copy of the Base NIF. You may want to do the same in your max file. Also did rename some Nodes, for consistency with names used in script. Gonna upload NIF later.

This is strange because my addOnNode is always attached correctly. Well... Hmmm... Just rotate the nodes 90 degrees. Probably some kind of NiNode-specific problem. I'll take it into account. I will turn the nodes to the left. I made a tuner model. We need to do uv. There was no time today. The buttons are touch sensitive. It's not clear how to animate them. Probably we need to give them a glowMap backlight. Otherwise, it is not clear whether the button is pressed or not... and which button is pressed.


Materials for all objects at once in nif. Just drop the textures at the address. For some reason your elements have no textures. You can reassign them paths in nif if this is important.


Edited by South8028
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The backlight is a good idea. For light states, check the button nif I posted earlier.
Didn't bother with textures for controls yet. Will have to adjust the path.

These foil keyboards often produce a faint click noise as the button is depressed.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, niston said:

The backlight is a good idea. For light states, check the button nif I posted earlier.
Didn't bother with textures for controls yet. Will have to adjust the path.

I always have absolutely all elements on one uv. Everything has the same path. One uv provides better performance. As far as I've read, ce works in such a way that if one texture is used for 1,000,000 elements, then in video memory it is one texture. Therefore, one uv is always better than many materials.

Should these buttons be animated individually? 8 touch buttons and one kinematic power button.

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Yes, using one texture for everything has high efficiency.

However, when making this panel, with its little icons and markings, I found that I had to create an "overlay" TriShape and then assign a higher res texture to that (these vanilla console panels use 1K texture IIRC), or the printings were rendered unreadable in game. Also I had to create the overlay's texture without mipmaps - Having mipmaps made the finer details of the printings vanish when not very close to it, which was rather irritating.

Upside is, I have some blank base meshes with "overlay" layer now, and a template somewhere to make decal textures for them.

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