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PC Next Gen Update Confusion | Looking for Guidance for Mods, Script Extender


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I've modded my games before.  I understand some concepts.  I know that the script extender is needed for certain mods.  I've read that the new FO4 "Next Gen" updates disrupted compatibility.  I'm not clear how deeply the disruption went.  I have not played FO4 for a couple years...I'd like to pick it back up and try things out.  I also like to mod the game, mostly with graphical and UI mods.

I'm confused about what indicators I should be looking at for me to pick the game back up.  For example...

  • Was the main break in compatibility in the script extender mod?   Meaning...when the script extender is updated all my worries are gone?
  • Will each mod need attention from each author?  Meaning...the script extender isn't the single indicator I should look at.  I need to also review every mod I want to download to validate if the author is saying "Yep, this will work with the next gen update"
  • What else should I look for?

At first it felt like it was just the script extender.  Then I browsed around and saw authors making comments about their mods working with the next gen update, while other authors haven't.  I'm sure some older mods just don't have support any longer from the authors that created them.  All of these different assumptions/mod reviews are making it confusing for me to understand.

Sure.  I could just try them with fingers crossed.  But I'd appreciate someone here who understands what is going on to give some guidance please.  Am I overthinking, or am I just as confused as everyone else?

Many thanks.

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6 hours ago, TrollerCon said:
  • Was the main break in compatibility in the script extender mod?   Meaning...when the script extender is updated all my worries are gone?

Yes, the update broke F4SE and F4SE plugins. F4SE itself has been updated but not all F4SE plugins.

6 hours ago, TrollerCon said:
  • Will each mod need attention from each author?  Meaning...the script extender isn't the single indicator I should look at.  I need to also review every mod I want to download to validate if the author is saying "Yep, this will work with the next gen update"

If the author states Next-Gen compatibility that should mean the mod has been tested on the post April 25 game versions.

Unfortunately, without proper testing one cannot be certain about whether a mod written and tested in one environment works in another. Of course, usually the author is in the most informated position to do this but this doesn't mean players have no reason to be cautious. Recommended to install mods one by one, test each after install, while keeping backups.

F4SE dependent mods which don't come with a native plugin should work with the Next-Gen update, in general.

As for F4SE plugins, all need to be updated by their authors. The new EXE came with structural changes that not only broke all plugins but even made the update process very time consuming, or in some cases nearly impossible..

6 hours ago, TrollerCon said:
  • What else should I look for?

The .ba2 format was updated. The new EXE is backward compatible with earlier archives. If a modder uses the updated Archive2 (official archiver tool) to pack mod files, those archives cannot be loaded by the pre April 25 EXE. The author either needs to release two mod versions or pack the files with the older archiver to support both the pre and post April 25 game versions).

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In other words they have pretty much created the Skryim / Skyrim SE scenario.

The difference is there is only 1 Fallout 4 page - so you have to sift through things to see if it works or doesn't work.

The .BA2 issue is literally going to need to be posted in big letters, bolded and front and center on both Sticky post and in the Description - lets just hope mod authors are even aware that it causes issues.

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