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Body skin tones not matching face.


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First time...?

lol in all seriousness, this is an issue that's been around since the beginning of time. There are a lot of articles here about how they suggest to fix this, with many different levels of complexity and success. Search around a bit and I'm sure you'll find an option that works well for ya!

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The easiest way is to create the NPC in an esm. That always works and you don't need to fiddle with extra files or ini settings.

There are some ini fixes that work on some systems but not all, so I don't recommend going that route.

There is also some key combination in the GECK that can generate the facegen textures. Unfortunately I don't recall the key combination that does it. CTRL-F4 maybe? I'm sure you can google it. You'll have to make sure to include the textures in your mod if you upload it here.

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