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40K Darktide crash immediatly on startup


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Uhhhh just started modding the game for the first time, Installed a couple of mods, and now it crashes pretty much immediately after pressing Play in its launcher thing.


Ive currentlyonly got Darktide Mod Loader, Darktide Mod Framework, Animation Events, Scoreboard, Numeric UI, and Show Me True Weapon Stats. Ive attatched the mod list load order below, and ive already tried adding " -- " to th fronts of the mod names in the loader list to see if thatd fix it


Crash log said something about failing to find the pipeline state stream twice.

Any help would be very appreciated.


mod_load_order.txt broke.txt

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Oh yea heres the thing thats one of the copy and pastes when you crash

GUID: 66e960dd-b30f-441a-9f68-6d0172949cd4
Log File:
Info Type:

[Crash Link]:

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.....I dont wanna talk about it

(I didnt fully install all the files from DML, just transplant the things from binaries and bundle into their respective folders. keeping this up in case someone else has the same issues, as much as i want to delete it bc of hoe embarrased i am)

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7 hours ago, hazelblush said:

(I didnt fully install all the files from DML, just transplant the things from binaries and bundle into their respective folders. keeping this up in case someone else has the same issues, as much as i want to delete it bc of hoe embarrased i am)

It happens; most of us have probably botched an install of something due to user error. 

Me: "Why isn't this thing worki--" *re-reads the description and/or instructions, sees a missed step* "...Oh." 🤦‍♂️

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