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Trying to understand UNP bodies, is this accurate?


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Please correct if inaccurate, I don't claim this is all correct, so that's why I'm asking:

So UNP was an original FEMALE body mesh designed for people to be able to make armors that fit that shape.

This was already a "unified" body shape of some previous attempts at female (as it says "unified" in the name) to get some kind of standard for fitting armors.

So this first unification is now ancient history.

Then CBBE came in with bodyslide and did a different female body, but in the meantime bodyslide as a concept was what everyone wanted.

So UNP converted to UUNP, which included bodyslides and armors made for UUNP need to include them too.

This is now called Legacy UUNP (for SSE) and it's here: 


Then came the desire for physics also and that made UUNP legacy and the next upgrade is called "UNP Female Body Renewal" and it's here, this combined a bunch of things.


Then came some more advanced physics and that was BHUNP


So basically the term UNP when searching for mods just means it's somewhere something along that history where they kept reusing the term "unified" in order to set a new standard each time for some kind of female body and fitting armors with increasing requirements.

In the meantime CBBE was still the same body and set of bodyslide presets, but that body also got upgrades and different names like CBBE 3BBB

So that was the two major strands of evolution and co-evolution but there could also be other attempts that never gained such traction.

Is this somewhat accurate?




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The original UNP (Dimonized UNP Body) was just an alternative to vanilla. It was not designed to be able to make armors that fit that shape. That didn't come along until Bodyslide / CBBE was released, and became Unified UNP (of all the variations of UNP by that time) to be included in Bodyslide. All this was for Skyrim LE.

When SE was released, the powers that be decided UUNP would no longer be supported in Bodyslide. Public pleas led to the release of Legacy UUNP to ease conversions from LE to SE. UUNP in SE is unsupported.

Then along came UNP Female Body Renewal, a direct port of the original Dimonized UNP Body for SE. While providing initial support of physics, it does not have support for Bodyslide. This version is fairly outdated.

Enter BHUNP, supporting physics and Bodyslide.

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The big unifying factors for a given line (UNP or CBBE) are:

1. Base Shape.    The base shape of the body mesh unaffected by any of the morphs  generally stays the same, which means any outfits designed for one iteration of UNP will fit any other seamlessly.   In many cases, if you find an old outfit created for original UNP, you can load it up in Outfit Studio,  delete the body mesh, load latest BHUNP reference, Copy bone weights, Conform Sliders, and you are good to go.   I think CBBE base shape did change at some point since there is a 'Convert SK CBBE to SSE CBBE' conversion template available.

2. UV compatibility.    That is, skin.    A skin designed for UNP will fit ANY UNP mesh.    Same goes for CBBE.   But using a CBBE skin on UNP body or vice versa, you get weird seams/artifacts.    

3.  Backwards bone and slider compatibility.   Generally outfits made for less full outfits will work fine on XP32, and sliders on newer versions are usually a superset of the old.    Though there have been cases on both sides when newer versions discarded some old sliders, making some of peoples old Bodyslide favorite presets obsolete.


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