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I've been trying to trim my load order to the 254 plugin limit, and I think I might have discovered a cheat... I've not seen any mention of this method anywhere, and to me it seems legit... I'm just asking for feedback from a knowledgeable source

ok, pre-BEES, the ESL record limit is 2k, with the update you can have up to 4k records (but I'd rather not make that effort)

I think, as stated above, that I might have found a cheat... kk, the details... I can copy records as overwrite into a new plugin, delete the source records from master plugin, and if I've removed enough, both can then be flagged or compacted and flagged to ESL... I've seen several mods with records that do not belong to any mod, like their masters were somehow removed, so it seems legit

this is, of course, heavily dependent on whether the mod is FormID scripted, has NPC facegeoms, or other requirements that are FormID critical... I can point out one specific plugin, KSHairdos, for example, in which only contains HDPT records, that this method seems ideal to clean up an ESP slot


**edit: Might be even crazier... after toying with it a bit, I deep copied ALL records to new ESL plugin (doesn't require compacting due to record overwrite, no new records), deleted all records in master, flagged master as ESL, effectively keeping ALL original FormIDs active in new plugin... surely this can't be real?

Edited by radiusrsatti
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I can now confirm that KS Hairdo's, at the very least, is a completely functional mod with 0 records in original plugin, now flagged as ESL, will all original records as overwrites in a new ESL plugin... did I just break the ESP plugin limiter? I'm gonna be on this high for a while unless someone says they discovered it first

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one minor glitch I came across... error checking in xEdit, when I loaded a couple plugins for checking that had KS Hairdos as master, errored because co-existing plugin with the records didn't load with it... easy to fix thou, manually adding the 2nd plugin as master to ensure it's always loaded will prevent that from happening again

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