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Need help removing settler added by mod


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The Creation Club mod "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries" adds new type of settlers after completing the quest. The face pool they use are very limited and spawn regularly among vanilla settlers (about 50% chance), this results in a lot of settlers with repetitive faces because these new ones are not affected by mods that gives more faces to vanilla settlers. I deleted their NPC leveled list entries but they still spawn, and couldn't find any kind of script injector responsible for this, any idea how to stop the spawning/removing them?

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You call revert script made modifications to any Leveled Base Form (LeveledCharacter, LeveledList, etc.) with the Papyrus script function Revert().

The problem is, you'd need to a have a Papyrus script to do that. So, if you can compile this script:

Script testScript

Function RevertLeveledForm(Form akLevForm) global

	If !akLevForm
		Debug.MessageBox("RevertLeveledForm: ERROR: parameter akLevForm is None.")
		Return None

	If akLevForm as LeveledActor		; what the Creation Kit calls "LeveledCharacter", FO4Edit calls "Leveled NPC" and Papyrus calls "LeveledActor"
		Debug.MessageBox("RevertLeveledForm: ERROR: the provided akLevForm cannot be casted as LeveledActor.")
		Return None

	(akLevForm as LeveledActor).Revert()

	Debug.MessageBox("RevertLeveledForm: SUCCESS: the provided akLevForm was reverted to its vanilla (i.e. editor defined) state.")


You call it in the Console ( CGF "testScript.RevertLeveledForm" FormID ). Replace FormID with the actual FormID of the Leveled Character (like 00113341 of the vanilla LCharWorkshopNPC for example).

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Did you have any luck with this issue? All new settlers that spawn into my game since completing Capital Wasteland Mercenaries are Good Fighters... its maddening!!  I did a test spawn just to make sure I wasn't crazy and this happened...

When I did the test on another save where I didn't complete the CC quest everything was great... loads of variety.
So I'm desperate to make it stop on my main save!


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