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QUESTION: Is there a set of modes for FULL Damage Threshold system


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is there a set of modes that gives the following result?

I played a lot of DAYZ and I want to create the same realistic mechanism for damage from calibers as in DAYZ.
When, for example, pistol calibers cannot penetrate power armor or combat armor. That is, armor and calibers have Damage Threshold when no damage is done below a certain caliber...

I know about https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/66071
but it looks like there is still low calibers doing some damage below the level.

Is there a set of modes for FULL Damage Threshold system?

Is Horizon using a similar system?
Thank you!

Edited by makmaksim
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While I freely admit that I have never played DayZ, and I'm not sure what you are asking..... (and, english is not my native language).

But, if you are asking for mods that let you control/tweak/change damage, check out (as a start):
The mods by SKK

The mods by GELUXRUM:


Both are absolutly high tier modders

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I do think you need to choose an overhaul, to make changes close to what you are asking for but I do agree, when you are wearing power armor, no bullets should harm you but it also mean you cannot harm others using them either if it should be fair game.  😉  I guess you could increase the armor rating with CK for power armors and or even with F4Edit.

But peek at Youtube anyway as there are a couple of videos with tests of different overhauls. I do not use any as I feel I do not need one, well except for one that makes most enemies to level up with the player, which I like.

Edited by Pellape
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