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3rd person power armor animations/disable weapons in power armor

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I was wondering what the best way to add existing vanilla animations to weapon mods which lack 3rd person power armor animations.

This is a stop gap for mods which lack correct 3rd person animations, while not close to ideal they would allow for functionality where there currently is none. 

I am trying to fix an issue with my larger weapon replacer mod and this is an issue for some of the weapons.

EDIT: for an example of a mod which did this the 1897 mod used the lever action animations for third person power armor.

EDIT2: testing out some weapons to see those with an issue it seems like a heck of a lot are like this, perhaps somehow disabling them in power armor may be easier?

EDIT3: Yeah I think there is a reason people haven't tried to do this, 3rd person power armor is pretty broken, ok new plan disable the weapons in power armor

Thanks for any help.

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Hello Lincolnshooter,

The 3rd person animations for weapons are handled by the common base animations for the weapon type (rifles, pistols as whole), and Assembly Pose for the specific weapon.  The base animations provide firing, lowering gun during idle, running motion, etc., while the weapon specific "poses"  work as a layer on top to place hands correctly.  So, an Assembly Pose is just 1 frame, a pose.

The important detail in doing this is that, the left hand in 3rd person is driven by the "WeaponIKTargetL", the Inverse Kinematic bone (this needs to be aligned to the left hand bone).  And also, you don't have control over everything in AssemblyPose; for example, a pistol base animation would need to take control of the wrist motion for firing, so whatever rotation you have for the right hand in your assembly pose would be overridden.  I just found out the left hand fingers positioning in power armor Assembly Pose is ignored in rifle animation as well (I really don't see how this was necessary to the Bethesda animator, annoying).

Anyway the 3rd person PA animations usually are :

WPNAssemblyPose.hkx (a 1 frame just to provide a pose)

WPNFireAutoReadySlave.hkx (this is actually the same pose as the first)

WPNFireSingleReadySlave.hkx (This is also the same)

WPNReload.hkx (This, you actually have to animate yourself)


If you don't have the power armor rig for animation, get it here :


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