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idk...slightly lowered expectations for one thing maybe? You're probably not going to be playing with the photoreal quality that you might see in an ENB showcase or more likely, an ENB enhanced snapshot (sort of thing you might see in many clothing and armor mod showcases)  made on an SOA system by a very experienced player or graphics artist (ie the type capable of producing creating detailed clothing/armor/etc) 

example gameplay snapshot of what's possible on a 1060C graphics card (considered low or ~maybe mid tier for Skyrim these days afaik)


Not sure what the quickest way is, For me, the "best" way was to slowly discover mods that augmented the graphics while not crashing my system. ex: RealClouds enhanced my graphics realism considerably for the sky. For LOD perhaps choosing a preprocessed LOD mod enhancement, tweak color/tonality/brightness levels with things like Manipulator, For near field, tree and other flora mods help. As well building overhauls and cell overhauls (things like whiterun expanded, JK's city overhauls, etc) or road/bridge enhancements, etc. 

As an alternative to ENB (which afaik requires a good card and some CPU/GPU horsepower), you might consider community shaders...or not...idk

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Not sure what to expect, I know it won't be photo realistic. I'm not worried about that I just want some improvement if possible. My card, processor and memory are this,

nvidia geforce rtx 4070

amd ryzen 5 5600 6-core 12 cpu 3.7ghz

32768mb ram

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In case you haven't, get Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826 ), and run it while playing the game.  It will keep track of memory usage, FPS, and many other things.  It can help you decide if your choices are stressing your machine too much, or if you have more room to enhance the graphics.

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your card is far better than mine, your processor...idk, sounds roughly similar in power. never used an AMD system so I have limited knowledge about the model. Memory's fine. Presuming that the proc side of things is roughly equivalent to mine or similar, I would think you should be able to produce a far more photo real game than I can for sure, just based on the video card alone.  But again, it takes time picking and choosing mods for your game to see what's right for you

Since you appear to have a system suitable for far more than vanilla graphics, I'd recommend watching some (a bunch of) showcase videos  on YT (specifically the ones talking about visual improvements), jot down mod titles along the way, and follow up with a bit of footwork on Nexus to read into each of the mods the showcases offer that you find appealing.

Also when you log into Nexus, I'd recommend a daily (or however often you visit) scan of new mods, since neato new stuff appears routinely.

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You have to install an ENB. Think of it this way: mods enhance everything one by one in the game so you have to install like 50 of them to cover most everything, but the ENB just blows the entire thing away, that's how awesome they can look.

So start by installing ENB first, and then you can press the * key and it should show you FPS at the top of the screen. So Skyrim AE seems capped at 60, but there are ways to remove that.

Just don't remove it at first, start installing your graphics fix mods one by one and watch how they affect your frame rate. Ideally you want it above 50 but 30-60 is all good  for an average human.

Below 30 that's when it's really not great AFAIK. Or obviously use the Performance monitor as above.

The point is go one by one from scratch because some of the mods really take a toll while others don't in the same category.

2k just means you have a preference for textures of that size in your mods you pick, but that's not going to be all textures in the entire game, I don't think and the textures are just one aspect of the visuals.

Even if you only modify the humans in the game, the texture blends together with the mesh and then the lighting to give you the end result.

You can check the results in clear weather with the console command "fw 81a" and "set gamehour to 12 (or whatever)" Otherwise the weather and the time of day totally changes what you see.



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