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New workshop resources?


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How do we go about making workshop furniture that produces new/specific resources in the workbench inventory? For instance, I thought it would be neat to make a 'rain catcher' object that accrues Dirty Water over time, but from a glance at the workshop scripts and such we can only tell the workbench to produce Purified Water? Or, as another example, maybe we could make the Nuka-Cola machine produce Nuka-Cola over time?

I'm struggling a bit to understand how it works. There does seem to be some leveled lists containing the various things workshop furniture can produce, but can we safely add stuff to it? Furthermore, how does a given furniture point at the right object *in* the list? Has anyone done anything along these lines before?

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Whatever you do, don't modify the Workshop or Workbench scripts. You can make your mod dependent on WorkshopFramework which can give you access to some editing functions that don't break the scripts.


F4MS Fallout 4 Mining System I do not know how to script for sht so i was unable to implement this from the resources found here because there are no instructions for laymen.

Zorkaz implemented this into Basic Fishing and i was able to manipulate his version into doing my bidding.

Look at how the basic fishing chair is set up to see how objects are added to the Workbench. Unlike the above resource there are no source files for Zorkaz's versions of the scripts but you should be able to see how it is done.

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