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hello newbie here

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hello 58 year old computer and mod total newbie  i am totally new to mods and have started downloading a few but not sure about the mod dash board and plugins dashboard mainly the endorsed tab with undecided thumbs up and the plugins dashboard with the flags tab and the bell saying missing masters but when i click to download the ones saying missing or seach them i cannot find them does this mean the mod is no longer working or i should take the mod out? thank you for any help and assistance

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For the mods that are indicated as missing their masters, the mod(s) that they rely on to function properly, I would do the following: 

From Vortex, click on Mods from the left column. Then, right-click on each mod that is missing a master. From the menu that appears, choose "Open on Nexus Mods". This will take you directly to the Nexus page for that particular mod. 

Once there, click on "Requirements" which is just below the short description of the mod. First, you'll see "DLC Requirements" (if there are any). Ensure that you do have DLC if it/they are required. Next you will see "Nexus Requirements". These are mods/files that are available on Nexus and are also required for the mod that you're viewing to function. Download and install each of those that you don't already have. After the Nexus Requirements, you will see "Off-site Requirements" (if any). These are mods/files that are required but not available on Nexus. Those listed will be links to the off-site web page for those files. 

After those, you will see "Mods requiring this file"; you do not need any of those listed. Rather, those are other mods that require the one you're currently viewing. 

As you're reviewing the mods' pages on Nexus, read through the description page as there are often key pointers, installation instructions and various note about using the mod or other steps that may be needed to utilize the mod as intended. 

Hopefully this will assist you in getting setup properly so that you can enjoy the game. Have fun and good luck! 

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Guest deleted156886133
11 hours ago, charmeradm said:

plugins dashboard mainly the endorsed tab with undecided thumbs up and the plugins dashboard with the flags tab

I believe @ZoldFrog explained the missing master issue pretty well. Good job there. As for the plugins dashboard and flags, I don't use Vortex and can't speak to that but an endorsement is nothing more than a $10 word for like. Or, if you ask Merriam-Webster, it's a way for you to say that you approve of a mod or mod collection.

That's all.

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