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new marriage and divorce / family mod


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Hi, i have following idea :

marriage should be more complicated to archieve, more difficuilt to handle

before marriage, meeting with her / his parents, demanding money for wedding, wedding customs of Nord, Khajitt and other races

divorce in some cases banned, some allowed

children behave pro father, in some cultures neutral, in some cultures pro mother...


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You may already know but there is a mod which addresses a few of these. Divorce in particular.  I wouldn't say it makes marriage more complicated (in the achievement sense), though it does make the process a bit more interesting and elaborate.  It is an older mod called "To have and to hold."  I still use it, though it hasn't been updated since its SE conversion and some features don't always seem to work properly.  You can get divorced in the mod but if you do, the NPC will not like you anymore (yeah... makes sense).

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1 hour ago, primem0ver said:

an older mod called "To have and to hold."

Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold -- LE, SE.  I might have to try that sometime.  So far I've just used a divorce .bat file of console commands to remove you and your spouse from the marriage factions and reset the marriage quest.  (There are a few of these floating around the Nexus for both LE and SE -- and they should work in either game, since the commands haven't changed between LE and SE as far as I know.)

1 hour ago, primem0ver said:

You can get divorced in the mod but if you do, the NPC will not like you anymore (yeah... makes sense).

Speaking of which, there are also some divorce mods out there like Simple Divorce for LE , or GuruSRs DIVORCE or I want the divorce for SE. 

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