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TranslateToRef destination outside the loaded uGrids.

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Anyone actually managed this ?

Have a FloatingPlatformHelper + RefAttached boat the player can ride which works perfectly when the destination is within the Loaded Area. Those 101 basics are all fine.

If the destination is outside the loaded area the boat disappears from under the player when its original ref unloads at ~ 13k gameunits.

Looks like what happens is the original placed object is hidden in place (enable doesnt work on it) and the translated object is actually an ff spawned copy which moves with the FloatingPlatformHelper. Whilst the player is left in the water the FloatingPlatformHelper keeps on going to the destination.

Have tried putting waypoints before the uGrids run and such but the original ref will not enable or move from its starting location and the whole endevour collapses when it unloads.

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I did that once, the way I've got it working is by using MoveToNode every certain distance (10k units works fine). To get the distance I just spawn an xmarker and move it on each distance check.


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Thankyou both.

Enabling Full LOD on the visible ref attached models (boat, engine) did the trick.

Which means they have to be placed, not spawned as there is no way to set the Full LOD flag on spawned objects.

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