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Organize object window?

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Is there any way to move/create things inside the object window? Like, for example, move MQ101PlayerSpouseMale from Actors/Actor/Actor to Actors/Actor/Preset?

Or create Actors/MyMod «folder» or World Objects/Furniture/MyMod «folder» and move whatever objects I have already created into it?

Can't find anything related to it and it's extremely annoying to use prefixes like MMxxx_BobJohnson and MMxxx_BigStick and having to look at their cryptic icons or abbreviation that is squished to the side of the window. Quests have this feature in a form of «Object window filter». Can't find anything like that on any other object.

(Do objects use model's path as OW filter? So would I have to extract Vault Dresser from .ba2 and put it into meshes/MyMod/SetDressing just to make it show under that path in OW? Cuz that's what it seems to be now that I used my brain for a moment...)

Edited by zhulikkulik
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On 6/7/2024 at 12:59 PM, zhulikkulik said:

Do objects use model's path as OW filter? So would I have to extract Vault Dresser from .ba2 and put it into meshes/MyMod/SetDressing just to make it show under that path in OW? Cuz that's what it seems to be now that I used my brain for a moment...

Yep, and that is why we use prefixs most of the time. Can't really be helped when sorting 80k objects, it's going to be messy one way or another.

Show only active forms(*) is quite useful because of this.

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