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Why not make your salad if your salad doesn't make itself? - George Mittleton

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does one do,

Without a tortilla shell?

How is one to get,

A new bag of tortilla's?

Why would one waste gas,

To drive all the way to the store?

Who is to know,

As I weep in sorrow.


- George Mittleton 

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[The following is what's called doggerel, not poetry, but here it is anyway.]

Devil in the basement alone
Tortilla shells his dream home
He's sad and he's low
Needs more but won't go

Life's building blocks he believes
In the shells where he conceives
But he's stuck in the dark
Won't venture
Won't embark

Shopping's too far
He's wishing on a star
Tortilla dreams fade
In the basement he's made

Sad devil moans through the night
Hunger pangs he can't fight
Echoes in the walls
Loneliness calls

He won't step outside
Basement is his only guide
Lost in his beliefs
Wrapped in tormented grief

Shopping's too far
He's wishing on a star
Tortilla dreams fade
In the basement he's made

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few days ago I observed someone who was unable to embrace their pain and their mistakes as part of themselves and was looking to religion or psychiatric pharmaceuticals to erase what should be a significant part of them. It's not surprising. Embracing your pain is a lot harder than erasing it, but it's healthier in the long run, especially after several decades of accumulated emotional scars.

Anyway, the encounter inspired me to write a poem. And I then converted the poem into a film which I shared in the Nexus Mods Skyrim SE Supporter section, but obviously I can't link the film here. I can, however, share the poem. And the above is its context.

"The Happy"

The demons in Hell are the happy
They know that their pain is their might
The angels in Heaven are blissful
They believe that the end will go right

We are our scars and our failures
Our mistakes and our cries
Erasing the bad for the good
Makes us live in a world of our lies

To wish for a Heaven
To wish for no strain
To wish for our innocence
Will kill us with pain

The demons in Hell are the happy
They love what they have and they are
The demons in Hell are the happy
They wish on themselves not a star

The end of love 
The end of apathy
The end of hate
The end of fantasy

The demons in Hell are the happy
To wish for an else is a bane
The demons in Hell are the happy
They know that to hope is a chain

(c)2024 Guglielmo Earthbound

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Come to think of it, a few days before "The Happy" I wrote a similar poem about inevitability and the need to go through life making what you have count. And as I made the film to go with it YouTube friendly (rather than Flickr friendly), it is shareable in this forum.

This is the poem:

"No Dodging"

There is no dodging a bullet
There is only biding its time
The swamp will drag us down
The way up is to climb

There is no waiting to breathe
The next gasp has to come
There is no sitting in the road
You ride or you crawl or you run

Silence of the crickets
Sunlight of the night
Wetness of the desert
Courage of our fright

The clap of our feet on the ground
The cry of our dreams we forgot
The flash of a word with no sound
The hope of the craziest of thought

There is no dodging a bullet
There is no running from fear
Don't wait to do what you love
The bed in your grave is so near

The winds from a butterfly's wings
The creak of your bones when you wake
The sounds you can never detect
The boat with no rudder to steer

There is no dodging a bullet
The reckoning will always arrive
There is no waiting tomorrow
It's here in front of your eyes

Keep riding away from the fire
Keep swimming away from it all
They'll catch you or not on their own
So journey each step 'til you fall

There is no dodging a bullet
There is only the road and your fate
There is no dodging a bullet
There is you and your steps as you wait

(c)2024 Guglielmo Earthbound

I did share this on Nexus Red Dead Redemption 2 Video share, but only people who follow me would have seen it there. I figured I'd share it in this forum as well as it's a poem.

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I wrote a poem/film on the Nexus Supporter image share, but I'll post its text here in the poem thread.

"What She Sees"

What does she see when she looks in your eyes
Are you thinking of her with desire
Are you lost in your thoughts and your needs
Aching with personal fire

What does she see when she looks in your soul
Are you thinking of her with disdain?
Are you wishing your touch was less cold
Are you a ghost of your past and insane

What does she see when she looks in your heart
Are you waiting for what never will come
Are you speechless in fright as you stare
Sad for the wretch you've become

What does she see when she looks in your eyes
Are you tender or burning with thought
Are you watching her eyes or her flesh
Are you a fountain of love or a shot

What does she hear when she asks you to stay
Do you think of her longing for friends
What do you see when she looks in your eyes
Are you the start of her joy or its end

What does she see when she looks in your eyes
What do you see when you look in your soul

(c) 2024 Guglielmo Earthbound

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I posted the following poem in a film at the Nexus Supporter Image Share, but I'll add the text here as well:

"She Gave Up"

She gave up desire
To be a little more sane
She gave up her heart
To feel less pain

She gave up her dream
To see with her eyes
She gave up her sight
To live in her lies

She gave up her love
Because it hurt too much
But she still feels the loss
With no one to touch

She gave up her soul
Though it whispers at night
Why does it hurt
When she turns out the light

She gave up her fear
But it won't go away
She cries in the dark
For her last hope to stay

She gave up her music
So when he comes she would know
She's waiting forever
He died long ago

She gave up desire
But it keeps coming back
She's empty inside
And her future is black

She gave up her life
She gave up her soul
She gave it to you
And you don't even know

(c) 2024 Guglielmo Earthbound

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This post is to talk about poetry itself. During the late 1980s college was still cheap enough one could work at a job for $7 an hour and still pay his or her way through college without requiring student loans. So for around nine years I simply took every class I thought was interesting and paid for them by working full time jobs while I went to school.

(I also went to 8 night clubs a week plus a movie every Tuesday and essentially slept every other day unless you count lying down in bed for five minutes before it was time to get up or dozing off in the front row of some lectures right in front of the teacher--a teacher who still gave me an A+ because I always woke up and answered every question correctly.)

During those nine years I took very many classes in poetry and creative writing because I've always loved poetry. The main take away I took from this is there are two competing schools of thought on poetry:

1. That the author's intended meaning matters, and

2. That the author's intended meaning is irrelevant, and the reader is free to assign any meaning he or she wishes.

I have always been of the second school, and I'm reminded of one of the most emotionally expressive singers I've heard, Lisa Gerrard from Dead Can Dance. In an interview in their DVD titled "Toward the Within" she said she likes to sing without the indoctrination of language. I'm also reminded of the sound track of a couple of wonderful films such as "The Opening of Misty Beethoven" and "Thick As Thieve" in which there are songs with no words but beautiful singing.

So a few days ago I decided to write a poem without the indoctrination of language, and it came out as follows:

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
Na nanana nana
Na na nanana nana

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
La la lala lalala lala lala
Na na nana nanana nana nana

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
Na nanana nana
Na na nanana nana

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
La la lala lalala lala lala
Na na nana nanana nana nana

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
Na nanana nana
Na na nanana nana

La lalala lala, la la, lala
La lalalala lala lala
La la lala lalala lala lala
Na na nana nanana nana nana

For the curious, that poem sounds like this:

What that poem sounds like

And according to the school of poetry to which I subscribe, that poem has meaning. It has the meaning any reader subscribes to it.

Sometimes words are their own beauty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote a poem about loneliness (and shared the film titled "At Your Door" I made with it in the Nexus Supporter section). But as the poem's theme is universal in nature, I figured I'd share it here for those who don't have Supporter/Premium memberships to see it.

No one waits at your door
No one remembers your name
Nobody misses you anymore
Only your memories remain

Nobody cares if you die
Nobody cares if you phone
No angels watch from the sky
You're a ghost, totally alone

Life through TV is what's left
Stories through books are your dreams
All of your hopes are bereft
You're alone to the utter extremes

Is this your fear or a fact of today
Is it too late for you to decide
Perhaps it's only for you to say
Will your life and your fears both collide

No one waits at your door
You never asked them to come
No one calls anymore
Are you the ghost you've become

When did you last make a call
When did you visit your friend
Perhaps you did drop the ball
But you're still in time to amend

No one waits at your door
Is this how you want it to end

(c)2024 Guglielmo Earthbound

This is a link to song of that poem I made for the film.


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