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Identifying Cell Grid Coordinates in Game.

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Why isn't Better Console doing this? Does F4SE not make this possible? SKSE could do it. Am I seriously going to have to make an in game cell grid map for yet another game? I thought we were past this. Harrumph.

Edit: Answer is; it does and i'm an idiot. 😳

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Quick lookup reference if your doing XY for NSEW manipulations;


String Function GetMapQuadrant(ObjectReference thisTarget)

String sMapQuadrant 

If(thisTarget != None)

    Float ftargetPosX = thisTarget.GetPositionX()
    Float ftargetPosY = thisTarget.GetPositionY()

    If(ftargetPosX <= 0) && (ftargetPosY >= 0)
        sMapQuadrant = "NW" ;Sanctuary 
    ElseIf(ftargetPosX <= 0) && (ftargetPosY <= 0)
        sMapQuadrant = "SW" ;Natick
    ElseIf(ftargetPosX >= 0) && (ftargetPosY >= 0)
        sMapQuadrant = "NE" ;Costal
    ElseIf(ftargetPosX >= 0) && (ftargetPosY <= 0)
        sMapQuadrant = "SE" ;Warwick

Return sMapQuadrant 




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