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Texture "color" different on new triangles of an existing object.

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And don't forget to check the vertex colours. I don't know where you define them in Blender or 3DS Max, but you can edit them in Nifskope if needed.

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So it was the vertex colors.  I has some help at Lover Lab, and they modified the nif to get the different objects (let's say the three bands) with the correct color.  I had trouble understanding at first, because the list of vertices was similar, but then I realized that there are more vertices in the nif than in the blender file.

The old triangles had vertices with color, the triangles I added had vertices without colors.  I have not added vertices in blender.

So the exporting process create vertices, and I don't know where the color comes from.  So it's a bit frustating.

I'll work on the structure a bit, like adding a bump in the middle part instead of having it flat.

Thanks for the help!

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