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Pure Virtual Function Call error - jeebuz, ach Kristos


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Not only did I stay far away from next-gen, have been and will be staying on 163 for the eternity,  and my load order has been rock solid for a very, very long time.

For the first time in almost  2 700 hours in Fallout 4, I get the fcuking "Pure Virtual Function Call" error after the recent Win11 update.

Next-gen from Bethesda (owned by Micrsoft), recent Windows 11 update from.....Microsoft (duh).
You can't fcuking win....

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Sorry for the late reply.....life and stuff caught up to me.

No, this was not exiting, this was mid-/ingame.
I'm used to playing or horsing around in FO4 for hours, never crash, nothing.
Then suddenly I got that f#¤€% error after an hour or two after a .NET and some other, non-specified updates from MS.

But at least for now, it is gone again.
Color me confused.

I have a pretty strict regime regarding updates, both OS and applications, I do updates, often, but controlled. This threw me, maybe some assembly cache or stuff that needed to rebuild?
(I have zero knowledge about .NET)

Edited by DjinnKiller
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