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Using the Creation Kit


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First time using the creation kit. How do you mange all the windows in the creation kit, for example side by side? Is there an search for creation kit? How do I find Coastal Cottage, I can not see it in the list? Trying to fix the Coastal Cottage garage as first creation kit project.

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The object window is your main workspace and doesn't really interact with the cell view window so they don't need to be viewed at the same time.

This is how i lay mine out. Notice how the render window is shrunk down as small as possible and docked in the upper right hand corner when not in use.



When you want to use the render window shrink the object window down to only the editor id column and expand the render window to fill the new space like this. Notice how you can switch between all three windows with this layout.


It is true the cell names for worldspaces are a bit convoluted. Fastest way to find a cell you are looking for is through the location data. Expand the object window to include the name column and sort it to find the location alphabetically. After locating it double click it to open the editing dialog and double click one of the location references to center on that in the render window. Take note of the actual cell name in the header of the render window so you can later navigate there using the cell view list.


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