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How Does the Game Engine Detect Dirt in Workshop Mode?

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I assumed it was by texture because it can tell the difference between a dirt texture and an asphalt texture on terrain. The Garden Plot workshop object uses a standard static mesh and is recognized as dirt. Emulating this object however does not allow my objects to be recognized as dirt. Does anyone know why?

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Hello worm82075,

I *think* it's the Havok material type.  Every LandTexture object (under miscellaneous category in object Window) actually has a Havok Material Type Data associated with them (that's how you get the change in footstep sound effect).  Havok collision has 2 main data; material type (metal, wood, dirt, etc.) and object type (static, clutters, props, etc.).

If you have a static mesh with dirt characteristic, try stealing that collision object from the nif, and see if that'll work.

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Hey DL, do you know the answer to this  releated question:

*** THE ACTUAL ANSWER: For INTERIOR CELL workshops ground collision is provided by floor tiles like CaveRmFloor512Mid01 or DCKitMudGround01, building out a layer of them at -1.0 Z below the decorative floor works perfectly.

If anyone knows the specific NIF or HAVOK collison property that makes those objects "workshop ground" let us know. ***


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7 hours ago, DiodeLadder said:

Hello worm82075,

I *think* it's the Havok material type.  Every LandTexture object (under miscellaneous category in object Window) actually has a Havok Material Type Data associated with them (that's how you get the change in footstep sound effect).  Havok collision has 2 main data; material type (metal, wood, dirt, etc.) and object type (static, clutters, props, etc.).

If you have a static mesh with dirt characteristic, try stealing that collision object from the nif, and see if that'll work.

That seems to be the case. The terrain object farm plots just work because they have the dirt material in their collision. Unfortunately the purpose for replacing the workshop object garden plot is to have a flat surface to plant a larger crop object that doesn't hover above the ground around the edges. I can simply embed the trishape deeper to account for this on most crops except for carrots, gourds and melons.

Now finding a 256x256 flat plane collision with the dirt material may prove difficult. Wish me luck. 😩


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