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Fallout crashing to desktop, no error message, nothing in event viewer, and no Buffout 4 crash log...


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Yo. Fallout crashes after about an hour or two playing straight to desktop, with no obvious cues.

Usually I just put up with it and try and save often but I just lost like a half hour of progress and it pissed me the hell off.

If anyone can help i'd be grateful.


Here's my mod list:

Address Library - All In One-47327-AIO-1715667241


Better Item Sorting NMM Installer-897-2-6-1 Buffout 4-47359-1-28-6-1690000405

Craftable Ammo 0.9-798-0-9

Crafting Highlight Fix 1.8.8-27479-1-8-8-1576067808

Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)-42147-0-6-23-1665656782

FallUI - HUD-51813-1-7-1-1668637124

FallUI - Icon Library-60579-1-0-1652975967

FallUI - Inventory-48758-2-2-1-1666954336

FallUI - Map-49920-2-1-1652891829

FallUI - Sleep And Wait-49070-1-4-1668288607

FallUI - Workbench-49300-1-4-1-r2-1667395902

FIS - The NEW FallUl Item Sorter-60580-2-1-1654350813

Full Dialogue Interface - All languages - NMM installer - Beta12-1235-Beta12

High FPS Physics Fix-44798-0-8-10-1715705195

Lowered Weapons 1.1-522-1-0

Mod Configuration Menu 1.40 BETA 2-21497-1-40-BETA2-1715646081

Pip-Boy Flashlight-10840-5-0-2

Running Hands Archive Only 1.1-62240-1-1-1658520461

Swimming Archive Only 1.0-62123-1-0-1657572307

Uncapped Settlement Surplus 2.0.1-12430-2-0-1

Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE-26163-v1-5-1-1715709285

Visible Galaxy - Stars Sold Seperately-19127-1-0

VividFallout - All in One - Best Choice-25714-1-9-1686485462 Weapon Debris Crash Fix-48078-1-3-1714835670

xSE PluginPreloader F4 0.3-33946-0-3-1718686029

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Sometimes the game just crashes from the perfect storm of circumstances. Since Bethesda's game world is so dynamic unless the crash is repeatable by performing a specific action then there is really no hope of changing anything in the game data to stop it outside of preemptive actions such as avoiding corrupting your save with poor practices or overtaxing your hardware. You will NEVER in a million years make ANY Bethesda open world game not crash ever. The best you can hope for with good modding and game play practices is to limit it to a minimum of 1 random crash every 10 to 20 game hours. It goes with out saying that this is entirely dependent on what you do in game as many activities done to excess can destabilize the game. My advice to mitigate random crashes is not just to save often but load more often from the desktop like 1-2 hours often especially if you are doing highly destabilizing activities like fast traveling all over the place in quick succession.

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  • 2 months later...

hello, i'm new here, i had this problem , the only solution i found is to save more often until you overcome the problem, another time i had made the parson's area inaccessible, i had added about 20 soldiers with the console, it worked immediately but when i returned later the game exited without messages, i had to choose a save before that pointthe only thing

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