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missing flora textures


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Am I the only one with missing textures for all the flowers that you can scan ? On every planet...

I have Starfield high definition texture pack installed, but I never has this bug before... and disabling the mod doesn't change anything

How can I fix this ? Do I have to reinstall the game ? 😕


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Had that same issue.  Was an outpost mod..believe tg galactic expanse was usually my culprit, but might  have been it conflicting with one of my other mods.  Was using tg's colony expanse, OUT, BASE, amd another I think. Removed all but OUT for now and no issues.  Probably cause tg's and OUT and have a dozen more have like 1000's of items, many, many plants so I guess so much overwriting or texture change for each just makes it explode and just the leaves remain..LOL..Anyway, not sure what outpost mods you use, but its a place to start.  Also the culanry or farm ones might too.  Depends on what textures they edit.

I did not have to reinstall.


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Yesss that's the one! thank you very much! I had this problem for weeks now and didn't know where to look except for texture mods!

I removed TGs mod, it was broken anyway...

Cheers to you my friend!

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The issue isn't textures, the issues are being caused by the mesh .nif file paths that got changed back in May by the 1.11.33 major update. Mods like TG's Galactic Colonies Expanse never got updated. When there's missing or incorrectly pathed mesh files, you simply get invisible objects. There's a Mesh path Migration Tool for those who want to fix mods themselves: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9234 .  TG did not update her mod yet, but Luxor 8071 provided updated meshes to solve the issues with her mod: https://workupload.com/file/xpQUSdzRwM4  . 

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