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GECK weapon affects


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i been slowly self teaching myself how to use GECK to edit weapons and armor, one of the things ive noticed is a bunch of weapons have generic premade affects that lots of weapons use. For example, for critical bonus and critical chance bonus affects, many weapons use the dummynvstraightrazor affect. So when im creating or changing a weapon, i assume attaching on this affect would give the desired results. So the thing im most confused about, is when i check the affects themselfs, i cant see any stats anywhere that show the amount these affects actually increase and what they actually do. it says increased critical damage null, what does that mean? how much damaged gets increased? how can i adjust/change that affect? where can i see it? i've looked all over GECK and i cant find anywhere that adjusts or changes this value. same with critical chance, it just says null with no number values attached. So do these affects do nothing at all? If anyone has any clarification on these affects, id greatly appreciate it.

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58 minutes ago, laclongquan said:

I think they already add the +crit or +dmg into weapon basic template, and the dummy effect just tell players that yes, this weapon has this effect.

i thought that might be the case, but basic weapon stats dont show anything that increases critical hit chance, right? so where is that calculated?

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After looking closer at GECK i see that there is a crit % multiplier. i always assumed this was a damage multiplier, but its probably crit chance actually. So i think these affects are just cosmetic to convey information to the player and dont actually do anything. Which was confusing as hell to me, because none of the armor affects are like that.

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Armor effects only has DR, DT, and specific effects. So there's no need for it. Technically, if there's a summary generic effect for light/medium/heavy armor effect they could have used that dummy effect, but I think they have another consideration so they dont use that from start.

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