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Ideas for Lahar.


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Clockwork is honestly one of my go-to mods for Skyrim and has been ever since it dropped.

It's been followed up on and embraced by many, the Dwemer pipe and tech/armor/weapon glowmapping set, having Lamahstu translate dwemer texts from the Moon and Star mod or even become a follower, it's been great. And the potential of the travel hub and player house that is Clodovech "Clockwork" Castle can't be overstated.

Lahar (who is a caretaker) also gets to dust more and such thanks to modders but he's also got more potential. In the mod's main quest, the thought of losing Lamahstu was disgusting enough that he dredged up the skills by which he made the Gilded in the first place and devised a means to save her. He still has them.

While I rather doubt Lahar is interested in Gilding anyone else, he could certainly convert soul gems and even Soul Gem Fragments into new Crystalline Hearts so this mess doesn't happen again. Another possibility for him could be to add a few steward functions by way of knocking down Gilded for him to put new Hearts into. That way he gets assistants to tend to critters in what used to be the stables, cook, play instruments, and speak a whole lot of gibberish. (Also to replace all those frozen-over crates and firewood piles with fresh ones for the aesthetics and the Dynamic Things crowd)

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