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Our Nexus Profile Pictures


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Hi all!

I was updating my Nexus profile picture and wonder why we are forced to have a circular mask about the image? In the good ol' days (I think it was about my Oblivion days...lol) we had at least a reasonable bit of space to work with.

I was using a funny book title, which would suit a square mask. But I had to drop that because the print was too small.

Anyhow. Any improvements likely, here?  I'm on Win 10 with Chrome as a browser.


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Thanks for the feedback. I won't speak too much for the design team but I've seen both square and circular profile images work well on various sites. 

As much as anything, it's about consistency across the site. It does restrict certain images, I appreciate that.

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Thank you Demorphic.  Actually, I see in the games pages (comments lists) it is still square. Maybe I'm just getting old and fussy. 🧐

I think it's best to put this enquiry to sleep. Thanks!  

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