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Failed to update masterlist


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See the vortex forum in Nexus' main forums for vortex issues (in general).

Having said that....

My understanding is that these issues sort themselves out either on next reload of Vortex or after a vortex update in more rare instances.

I've experienced them many times (idk 20 30 40? 50?) in a "glitched" situation (ie "sumppin went wrong while loading I guessesez"), where closing Vortex, waiting a moment, and reloading...(while online BTW) solves the issue. and it loads without error.

Had at least one instance a year or three ago that (afaik) was traced back to a bad vortex build and required waiting for a new release (As I recall it took about a half day maybe a day to resolve).

Now, since my vortex is opening just fine, (and I presume that most of us using vortex are having vortex updated autromatically on their schedule) and it update cycles whenever it wants, I'd presume that the first possibility applies (ie we're both up to date on version). Close it, make sure you're online, and reopen.

If that fails, fire a message to support. (not admins, nexus support...) Be sure to name the game and vortex (and of course re-state the problem, ie "vortex: failed to update master list") to help them solve it quickly

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