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FO4 CK Not Saving

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Ever since I accidentally updated to NG, I've been having nothing but trouble getting the CK to function.

If I download the depots for the game and CK to the previous version, nothing I input into the Overwrite Steam ID field works, and CK fails to launch.

Once on full NG for both CK and fallout, and using CKPE, I can get it to load everything just fine, but saving a new ESP sees the log say that the new file is invalid and the entire program freezes.

I have bypassed this so far by generating a blank ESPFE in xedit, selecting that as my active file, and THEN I can save and use the CK. However I would like to obviously get the CK functioning properly again. My current desired solution is getting CK to save files properly. My ideal solution would be figuring out how to either remove Steam from the app or otherwise figure out how to get it to work with the previous update. Thanks in advance for any help.

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