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[Mod Request] Mission / Quest Management


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Mission Management
Three separate ideas - any of these would be a big help to me. All three, even better.
In order of me wanting them:

1) The ability to categorize missions with user flags.
Instead of just 'Huge Bucket of All Open Missions' and 'Completed', I would love to sort missions into 'High Priority', 'Low Priority', 'Don't Want to Do This Ever (Hidden?)', and 'Completed'.
Maybe users could label different flags whatever they want, and set the order (e.g. High Priority missions appear at the top).

2) Better descriptions, particularly for 'Activities'. Don't just say "Talk to Joe Blow", say "Talk to Joe Blow about joining the Death Clowns" so we know WHAT these even are.

3) The ability to sort missions by distance. Closest mission at the top.



Edited by Zombra
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