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Kinda messed up.

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Accidentally deleted the fallout 4 data folder. Restored it and the mods included (thank god,) but couldn't get the creation club back since those were deleted (except Next-gen Creation Club and only the ones steam verified me with that didn't restore the ones I had) and somehow for some reason the creation club purchases that I owned are glitched out. I can't redownload them at all because, they're stuck as being "owned." Honestly this probably the only bug in the creation club store... I think.

Edited by WyattTheSans
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:


Can u message support there to make them downloadable again?

On GOG once you buy something you can download again and again.

Never used GOG but I can try. It's gonna be tough for me to get support since I bought Fallout 4 on steam and updated it for next-gen. 😕

Craziest thing I looked around Reddit and other sources. No one has had this issue before except me. Must be a new thing that Bethesda must've forgot to patch up. Also, I checked GOG site. Nothing much helped. I couldn't even get Fallout 4 on the GOG installer thing either sadly.

Edited by WyattTheSans
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30 minutes ago, WyattTheSans said:

Never used GOG but I can try. It's gonna be tough for me to get support since I bought Fallout 4 on steam and updated it for next-gen. 😕

Craziest thing I looked around Reddit and other sources. No one has had this issue before except me. Must be a new thing that Bethesda must've forgot to patch up. Also, I checked GOG site. Nothing much helped. I couldn't even get Fallout 4 on the GOG installer thing either sadly.

ON GOG you cna pick whther you want ot donwload version .163 or the new one.

but I am having my own issues with GOG, Check here, so maybe the grass is not always greener...


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You can try sidestepping the issue using the Download All option, which should eventually download all your Creation Club content. It may not work the first try so you might have to do it multiple times.

If it's still not working then your best bet would be to contact Bethesda support.

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, TurntLogic said:

You can try sidestepping the issue using the Download All option, which should eventually download all your Creation Club content. It may not work the first try so you might have to do it multiple times.

If it's still not working then your best bet would be to contact Bethesda support.

Sorry if it sounds rude, but re-read the post again. But I can specify in shorter terms.

"they're stuck as being "owned."

I accidentally deleted the owned creation club content [whole data folder, actually,]  (Steam verification failed to restore the creation club files and used the I had in 2023/2022 instead of what I used this year,) checked the Fallout Creation Club store to redownload them, they're stuck as "owned" instead of "download."

That's the problem I'm having.

And for the record. There's no download all option, that option is only available for bundles in the creation club store which I had. But I'll try Bethesda support anyway.

Edited by WyattTheSans
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6 minutes ago, TurntLogic said:

Not much more help I can offer, It sounds like an issue with Bethesda's CC storefront. Your best bet would be to contact Bethesda customer support.

... damn ...

Well I don't care for your views on this ... But there's a reddit post that's harboring creation club content. I only just discovered this. 😐

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Purchased CC content is between you and Bethesda.    Nobody here is going to be able to help you with that.

GOG by it's very nature does NOT mess with the purchased CC content (it despises DRM).   

Only CC content you will ever see on GOG is that which is released with an official game version.


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2 minutes ago, fraquar said:

Purchased CC content is between you and Bethesda.    Nobody here is going to be able to help you with that.

GOG by it's very nature does NOT mess with the purchased CC content (it despises DRM).   

Only CC content you will ever see on GOG is that which is released with an official game version.


... Is that meant to be rude or helpful? ...

Doesn't matter anyway. But this post will help for anyone who has the same issue in the future.

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