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Teleport spells and player homes

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OK. So, I want to make a tiny worldspace one can buy a teleport spell for similar to Lemunde's player homes, and allows one to fast travel back to Tamriel or SI.

Bonus question:
How do I make a place upgradeable like the vanilla player homes?

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For teleporting, you could use a custom persistent reference (persistent so you can use it in your script, I think, without it being loaded, but I might remember wrong) in your worldspace, a magic effect script and the MoveTo function. There is a MoveTo page in the UESP mirror of the CS with with examples: https://cs.uesp.net/wiki/MoveTo

For the return effect, you could maybe use another marker that gets moved to the player just before they teleport away from Tamriel, to indicate the location they should be returned to, so when the player uses the spell to return, they would be moved to that marker, instead. The GetInWorldspace or GetInCell function might be useful to check if the player needs to be returned to Tamriel or not, but you can also track it in a variable in a quest script.

If you already have a mod that does what you are after, I think the best way would be to have a look at how it accomplished this, though, since there might be some details that need to be taken into consideration.

If I remember correctly, the vanilla player homes use one persistent reference per upgrade, that is set as the 'enable parent' of each individual item associated with that upgrade, and that enable parent ref is disabled by default. So when the player purchases the upgrade (I forgot if the script is in the dialogue or the item that the player is given), that enable parent ref gets enabled, and all the individual furnishings that have it as their enable parent also get enabled. It is a lot of clicking in the CS to assign the parent to every single furnishing, but compared to manually listing every single ref in a script, it is probably the easier option. There should also be other ways via scripting, but for a simple furniture upgrades those are probably an overkill.

Hopefully that helps a bit! Maybe someone else has more ideas.

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You should better use disabled rats as teleport markers since they work very well as mobile markers too.


To make upgradable homes you need to place initially disabled objects and enable them through a script when the player buys the upgrade order.

To prevent the player from sellign back the upgrade order you can script to add a second object and script the second object to remove the first and enable the furnitures.

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