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Permanent Freeze after finishing Pawn Quest


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Hi there,

ive come about a really frustrating problem. When a pawn finishes their pawn quest, for example the standard "ran around with you for one day" quest my game freezes. Completely. Only way to end it is via Task Manager. No Waiting doesnt help. And yes its definitly the fault of one or mutliple mods. I can say this with some certainty because after i disabled all scripts in ReFramework suddenly i got the Quest complete popup and got the wakestone shards. After that i could activate all scripts and all is well. so. Now there is a small percentile chance that it got nothing to do with the Pawn quest but with the Wakestone shards but i will just concentrate on the whole Pawnquest variant for now. Sadly there was an autosave shortly after so i cant recreate the bug to zero in on the culprit. So im gonna ask if someone has had the same problem and what mod it was for them.


I have following mods active:

  1. Reframework
  3. _XYZApi
  4. AnAlternativeSkillSwapper
  5. Augsments Unleashed
  6. Better Levitate
  7. BetterBetterItemDescription
  8. CharacterManager
  9. CustomDifficulty
  10. Dialogue Auto Advance
  11. Disable Camera Reset
  12. Do not be afraid of excess weight 100kg
  13. Dullahan
  14. Fall Damage Manager
  15. Faster Stamina Regen
  16. First Natives
  17. FreInn
  18. Functional Pawns
  19. Increased Spells' Lockon Range (+50%)
  20. InfiniteStaminaOutOfCombat
  21. InstantFakeItem
  22. Make Ferrystone Eternal Again
  23. No More Item Decay
  24. NPC Harstyles Disa Hair nr48
  25. NPC Harstyles Ulrika Hair nr02
  26. NPC Harstyles Wilhelmina Hair nr46
  27. Palladium Doesnt Run out of Time
  28. Rename Reset Camera
  29. Riddle of Rumination Marker
  30. ShowFavorability
  31. Showname
  32. Smaller Lantern
  33. Transmogrify
  34. Transmogrify - Warfarer
  35. True Warfarer
  36. WeightSystemTweaks

Really hope someone can help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

since no one seems to bother with helping in the Community i researched the problem myself and found the Culprit. It was the No More Item Decay Mod. Dont know why exactly but its the Reason why this bug is there. simple fix, use the "no bad Decay" part of the Item Tweaks mod. I must say im pretty disappointed with this community. For the last 2 years not one Question, Request or even Bug Report was solved and most of the time not even answered. I knew times where this was a lively and helpful community. but i guess those times are gone.

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