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Does anyone know the easiest way to make a dialouge option only show up when you have a certain follower.

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I wont be able to know what cell they are in cause the quest I want to edit can happen in multiple cells. I am trying to edit brawl quests so that If you have a certain follower with you, he will brawl the npc for you. But I want it to be an option that only shows up if he's there. for example im starting with Uthgerd and here Brawl quest can start at whiterun stables or in the bannared mare.

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Test for the Current Follower Faction (0x5C84E).

Use the "getFactionRank" condition.  Since it's not the speaker, you'll need to use the drop down to select some subject other than the default "Subject".  According to your need, you might use "Quest Alias", then select the alias in the drop down to the right, or "Reference" and point to the NPC you want to test.

It doesn't matter in which cell the NPC is at the time the condition is tested.  The cell is used to limit the list of proposed choices using the CK default locations.


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this way the dialogue only show when this actor is following, an actor can be in Follower Faction and NOT following and testing for current faction is  problematic tooo cos they may not be following... has well

you can tweak it for when this actor is not following only as well by making


equal false, then the dialogue will not show when are following too

@CrankyKidneys that how you kill two birds with one stone 😂😂😂😂😂

BTW if they are a custom follower and in the follower faction from the beginning... lose it .. it is only useful if you have to add them to the follow faction,  or remove them for quest reasons, for more exquisite control, testing for the follower faction is pointless if it is always true and never false, when you want the dialogue for one actor

EDIT OFC the condition


is useful if the dialogue is require whether they are following or not following has well..





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I tell ya a secret, I made follower with custom independent follower system and so mod like RDO and EFF and followers tweaks in general can not mess with them, so I have a Custom Follower Faction.. the faction not that important unless you're using the vanilla system.. if your follower like mine, make Custom Follower Faction so those mods cannot control them..

All the vanilla follower faction does is allow the follow me dialogue depending on the follower count and allows follower mods to extend them...  and OFC allows dialogue for multiple actors

it is the Teammate status that gives sharing inventory and other follower benefit..  I will repeat, if your trying to make an advance follower with custom follower system, DO NOT USE THE VANILLA FOLLOWER FACTION 

last time I tested it, they all recognize he was custom and left him alone ... even with the force follow me option... 

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On the other hand, of the 100s followers I have tested, only a handful did as PeterMartyr suggests. My WIP mod, and other mods, expect the current follower faction and potential follower faction to be used as intended by the game designers, and so will the player if he uses AFT, EFF or some other follower framework.
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That what I said, if your making a vanilla follower use the vanilla follower faction, but if it is custom follower,  it will conflict with mod like AFT, EFF or some other follower framework, cos then they will be in two followers frameworks? Hows is that not a conflict? So use a Custom Follower Faction IF the follower has independent follower system. How does that even get an argument

BTW followers on nexus, generalising cos I am not counting 

Vanilla  7,000

Custom 500

My statement applied to  6% of the followers, so yeah OFC only handful do that, that a gimme

@xkkmEl rethink your follower framework cos if it conflicts and control followers like ( if that what you meant?? not really sure what you're implying) 

  • Sofia
  • Inigo
  • Vija
  • Arissa
  • Cerwidan
  • Mirai
  • Tania
  • etc

no one gonna use it 

Edit that was just followers uploaded to the Nexus, if we include Skyrim Vanilla Followers it may drop to 5%, then if we include Frameworks that force Skyrim vanilla NPC non-followers to be Followers is might drop to 4%-3%, my comment is true for very small group of select followers, that do not use the Vanilla Game Mechanism, I think you misread what I wrote


 if your follower like mine, make Custom Follower Faction so those mods cannot control them..


  I will repeat, if your trying to make an advance follower with custom follower system, DO NOT USE THE VANILLA FOLLOWER FACTION 




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2 hours ago, PeterMartyr said:

That what I said, if your making a vanilla follower use the vanilla follower faction, but if it is custom follower,  it will conflict with mod like AFT, EFF or some other follower framework, cos then they will be in two followers frameworks? Hows is that not a conflict? So use a Custom Follower Faction IF the follower has independent follower system. How does that even get an argument

No argument.  I just wasn't reading "custom follower" in that manner.

In the context of the original question, we were just talking about testing the faction, not setting it.  Though, you are right that if CrankyKidneys is not using the default follower framework (or a derivative), he should not set the current follower faction.

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having made a follower, I quickly realise the condition he need was not the one he was asking about, isActor is true  and isTeamate is true, plus whatever other quest stage conditions (if any) was what he need, and It felt like an independent to me, there not a lot of guides on that cos not a big step, to go Quest then independent system, so I thru in a freebie 

Edit his/her question if solved, would not have fixed his/her problem, it needed more, matter of a fact I only added the faction condition at last minute, it does not need it....  and I knew that.. I even stated a condition that alway true,  is pointless, in this particular case  

this what I read I need conditions for one actor and they need to be following, I also thru in the conditions for one actor and not  following, this where is follower faction is require, but that is dependant on the dialogue context. all my replies where extra freebies, I 100% ignore the author faction question heheheheheehehe I admit that.. cos it was not what was needed 

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