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Hide Backpack problem


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Are you a total-immersion player? If not, you might consider dumping the backpack for a bag of holding, jewelry item of increase-carryweight, or similar.

As to the direct answer, aren't backpacks equippable/unequippable? I play on 1.5.97, and the backpacks that I encounter are optional player gear that can be removed or worn by normal gear-swap means (Ie inventory, unequip)

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I recommend trying the following mod:

Lazy Item Hider - Toggle helm weapons and more at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)

I don't use backpacks so didn't try specifically with hiding a backpack, but one of the MCM pages on Lazy Item Hider lets you specify up to ten specific items you want to auto-hide.

I don't use backpacks in real life, so I never considered using one in Skyrim.

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