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How to change player height permanently?


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On PC.  For now, every time I play I open the console, tap Page Up key, and reenter:  player.setscale 0.95 

I read some players can’t even do it at all, so maybe I’m using a mod which allows it as a side effect. 

Is it possible to trigger that command after loading and also when traveling to a new area?

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2 hours ago, HeyYou said:

Put … in the [general] section of your starfieldcustom.ini.

I tried this, but I think it may be running the command too early, so it doesn’t get applied.  I need a way to run the command after it finishes loading all other mods and the save file, and also after every loading screen.

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The player's height can't be changed in vanilla because BGS hardcoded to reset the height (technically the root 3D's scale on the z axis) in a background process which performs this operation in every ~0.025 second.

I made Starfield Engine Fixes which patches the affected code. If you use that, SF Engine Fixes resets the custom scale value on every save load event which is sent by the game after sStartingConsoleCommand. (sStartingConsoleCommand is executed once game data is loaded by a background process. This happens in the MainMenu before any save is loaded).

I may change this later but for now you can create a quest with script like this (see below) or if you use one of the Console Command Runners, you can reapply SetScale when the LoadingMenu closes (which happens ~0.5 seconds after the save load event). (Or alternatively the FaderMenu).

Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends Quest Const

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame()
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LarannKiar: "...Starfield Engine Fixes..."

I use this mod.  So that's why I'm able to change the player height.  The ability to pop open the console, up arrow, and [re]set height is a blessing.  I will attempt your suggestions for automation.  Thank you.

Edit:  I chose to get the mod Console Command Runner, then read the description to create a .toml file containing...

EventType = "GameLoaded"
    aiLoadType = 2
Commands = ['player.SetScale 0.96', ’player.SetAV SpeedMult 126’]

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