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Jail for kids. (and Hearthfire/Multiple Adpotions Quest Expansion?)


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Look, let's face it, Skyrim put in kids as an afterthought. There's a reason they look like the spuds from Oblivion, the Potato People model was used for them. Much has been done to make them fit in better or just be killable (lookin' at you, Braith), add more, adopt them, make some be out in the world... but what about jail? Back to Braith, I'm afraid.

A recent video sent to YouTube on VG characters you wish you could kill included Franchise Poison Ava and, of course, Braith. Braith is incessant, unapologetic, rude, annoying, offensive, and physically harmful... and without mods, there is nothing you can do about it. Well, you could kill Amren and Saffir so her braying ass is sent to Honorhall but that seems a trifle extreme for being inattentive parents.

Being able to alert Amren so he jugs that brat for a couple of weeks and adding ACTUAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE for the walking inducement of infanticide would fit in. Then again, being able to adopt Lars to get him out of his traumatic family life wouldn't hurt much, either...

Save Skyrim. Don't let bandits commit banditry, don't let Braith be Braith.

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I can't remember the reason that motivated me to do this, but I remember looking up information about Braith, and I found out who her parents were and read up on them.  As parents, they truly suck.  It's their fault.  Maybe someone can do a mod that makes them better parents.  Every once in a while, you see Braith with her mom learning how to shop and do other chores.  At other times, you see her dad walking around town, looking at stuff and having idle chatter.  Of course, when Braith isn't with her parents, she might still be "Braith," but less obnoxious.

I feel bad for Braith, even if she does grate on my nerves.

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