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SKSE pls


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I have my first mod list done on Vortex and all seems ok apart from SKSE which Ive had a real pain with. At first I thought I could just install like the other mods from vortex but it was not showing up ingame and causing error messages from other mods. So, I followed the instructions in the offsite page and the only way I seem to be able to get it to work is making a link from the SKSE loader file to my desktop and starting the game from that. Is that correct or have I got something wrong? 

Also, when I exit the game to to the menu page I just get a black screen, with the music. 

Im running SK anniversary edition and the latest SKSE AE version from the offsite page.   

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Last time I had to do it, after installing Vortex, and creating Skyrim SE profile, it suggested installing SKSE.    So I got the proper version of SKSE from skse.silverlock.org, and Vortex pretty much did everything for me.    It put SKSE icon on my Vortex dashboard for SSE.   Then, the game can be launched by clicking the SKSEicon on dashboard, or just clicking the launch icon on the game tile in upper left.

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