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Sorry if already been asked and answered. However, I can't find an answer. Trying to do the Civil War quest now and Hadvar is stuck in Helgen behind the building we go around to escape the dragon attack and he's just standing there with about 5 imperial soldiers spread throughout Helgen. Not sure what's up but he's not showing up when I do the Jagged Crown quest. Is there a quest that I need to do? And before anyone teases me...I always chose the Stormcloaks but I wanted a different playthrough. 🤪

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No, he should be with your Legion unit for The Jagged Crown, especially if you followed him into the  Helgen keep during the dragon attack.  Ditto if you're using Alternate Start - Live Another Life and rescue him from the Helgen cave.  And apparently he should still show up if you followed Ralof instead, as long as you join the Legion.  (Though I haven't tested this; all my Empire characters always follow or rescue Hadvar.)

What mods do you have installed?  Can you post your mod list in a spoiler (👁 button in the top of the text box) or in an attached .txt file?

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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