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[FNV] My companion won't follow me after hiring him for the second time.


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I've been working on a custom follower and everything including the wheel was going as expected, except for one thing. I explain.

- It initially sandboxes in Prospector Saloon, the hiring topics go as usual.
- I make him teleport to his home after being fired
- When I hire him again, the wheel, dialogues and services are displayed without any issues, but the npc doesn't follow me even after forcing a package evaluation through console commands.

I don't know what conditions or scripts I am missing to make him follow me, as I made a package for each state (follow both near and far, guard and sandbox in two different locations). Thanks beforehand

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Sounds like a package issue of some sort. First check to make sure that all of the conditions for the follow package are set properly so that it will choose that package. Then check to make sure that the conditions for one of the other packages isn't still set so that the NPC is picking that package when you force the evaluation.

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A lot of companions have a "hasbeenhired" and a "ishired" conditions. The first indicating if they have ever been hired previously, the second meaning if they are actively following the player.

If you copied one of these followers and didn't realize you had both conditions, you might be switching the wrong one on/off in your hiring/dismissal. 

Also, if you have multiple possible dialogue answers to your "hiring" dialogue, like a randomizer between "okay", "let's go", and "right behind you", make sure that all three have the proper End Result script, and not just your first one.

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