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GalBank Robbery Mod


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need some help with a mod i am making because i want some credstiks and the contents of containers inside the akila city galbank to respawn every now and then but even with the respawn box checked in the editing menu of the credstiks it still wont respawn no matter how long i wait. Any suggestions?

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Were they the NA_SecureShelving_Container01 containers? Or something else? Can you give some information about how you are adding the credstiks to the containers? If it is the NA_SecureShelving_Container01 containers, it looks like they have a loot roll based on a leveled list. It's possible, if you are adding the credstiks to a leveled list they may not be showing up every time you go to check, but it sounds like they are there the first time you loot them every time. So some more info would be helpful for sure.

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Oh thanks for the help and sorry for being late but no the credstiks were on the table inside the vault of Akilas galbank and ive gotten them to respawn with a script but only while you are inside the cell.
If you could tell me how to get the script to run while the player is in a different area that would be amazing!

also how would i go about flagging a script as 'Native' because i tried putting 'Native' underneath 'Scriptname' but that just comes out with an error saying "Missing EndOfFile at 'Native'".

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its all good i managed to figure it out and now the credstiks respawn differently each time you enter the building of course at a 30/40% chance now next step is to just add some turrets so that robbing a bank isnt as easy as just walking in the vault and grabbing some credstiks. Any other suggestions would be appreciated tho.

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