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People who understand scripts, I need your help.


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I wish to make a magic effect for an enchantment that 'taunts' the enemy, forcing them to attack whoever hit them for a set period of time. This enchantment will be applied to the weapons of an upcoming 'tank' follower.

At the moment her weapons have frenzy enchantments. They work, but they're a bit glitchy. When applied, they temporarily disrupt the flow of combat as my follower briefly treats the target she hit as non-hostile, then enters combat again.

This will probably require a script added to the magic effect, unfortunately I do not understand scripts well. If anyone here can assist me, it would be much appreciated.


Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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I can and will help you with any scripting needs, but your first challenge is determining exactly how to accomplish what you are looking for.  I don't think there is a direct way, from a script, to tell an actor who to attack.

You will probably have to force an AI package on the enemy, to override it's combat override package, and use the UseWeapon procedure.  I think that can be done, if you want the enemy to be attacking the player.  I am less sure how to make that work if it's an NPC holding the enchanted weapon and the enemy is then compelled to attack the NPC (you'd need a quest to hold the protagonists in aliases while you force a custom AI package; dunno if that works).


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