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Wrye bash not detecting OBSE


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I was using wrye bash to install all mods and launching oblivion using the icon - pressing the icon used to open the launcher, and pressing play button would properly load OBSE as well.

For reasons I can't remember I changed compatibility option - "run as administrator" - of Oblivion.exe and OblivionLauncher.exe, then launched Oblivion on wrye bash. I got a weird loop between the launcher.exe and oblivion.exe, then wrye bash stopped recognizing obse (although the green OBSE icon  on wrye bash was still there).

I did a clean install of wrye bash with its folders backed up (mods, wrye bash files in Documents-my games-Oblivion folder and -Oblivion-Saves folder), then reverted my setups. Now the green OBSE icon is missing from wrye bash, and launching Oblivion from wrye bash doesn't load OBSE.

Launching Oblivion via steam still loads OBSE, so I don't understand why wrye bash refuses to detect OBSE. I tried deleting OBSE files and then reinstalling them but no luck.

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