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Bug - Sun and Clouds Suddenly Change


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To the moderators: you can delete my other thread. I've seemingly fixed all my issues mentioned over there, except for the sun and clouds issue.

This one is driving me nuts. I can't figure it out. For some god forsaken reason the sun is now HUGE, and the clouds will sometimes disappear, then reappear tinted green or red briefly, before fading back to white.

It used to look like this:


^ This is from an earlier save, I am close to Vault 22. But when I travel close to the New Vegas city outskirts, the sun turns into THIS:


Unless my memory has failed me, I've never seen the sun this big. The clouds also changed. I'll upload my mod list and load order. The only weather mods I've got are Yellow Goodbye, SmoothSky Grain Remover, Night Sky Tweaks, Enhanced Vanilla Stars, and HD Moon. I've had all of these mods installed since the beginning of my 800+ hour playthru.



This might only be happening when I'm near or in the city. I'll have to move around the map some more, go far away from the Vegas city to see if goes back to normal.

Edited by Mackintoke
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I FIXED THE SUN GLITCH. Thank god. I added these settings to FalloutCustom.ini:










Now I just gotta fix the cloud issue. 

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