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Parts of outfit NIF become invisible as I approach (or zoom the camera away if I'm wearing the outfit)


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So I've been using Outfit Studio to add bnb to some outfits for FNV in the same manner that I became accustomed to when modding Skyrim. Outfit studio makes it really simple, you load a ref, load an outfit, then copy the bone weights from the ref to the outfit and bingo, instant BnB.

However occasionally for reasons I cannot understand this breaks the Nif in a peculiar way. From a distance everything is fine, the outfit looks normal, the breasts jiggle as intended. However as soon as my character get within a certain distance, parts of the outfit become invisible, returning to visibility once I back away again.


Can anyone point me in the direction of a possible remedy for this, or at least tell me why it is happening?

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Open your model in NifSkope and check to make sure that the correct shaders are active.   For anything other than skin, the shader type should be sader default.  For skin, it should be shader skin.   For each item, except for any caps or meat, shader flags that should be active are Specular, Skinned, Windows Environment Mapping, Remapple Textures, Shadow Map, ZBuffer Test.  Along with FaceGen if it  is any skin part.  Also check to ensure that the path to the texture is correct.

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Here is an example of my problem. This is Cass' default out fit with BnB added via Outfit Studio.

Everything works as it should, but if you face any female NPC wearing this' left side and get close almost all of her armour turns invisible. Same thing happens if you stand face on and press the zoom in button.


I have followed the above posters advice and made sure all of the flags are set, but I still get the problem.

I had a similar issue with adding BnB to benny's outfit and one of the 'Glow' prostitute outfits. Strangely though so far most of the other armours I've converted don't suffer from this issue.


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I looked at the .nif file that you have and none of the ShaderFlags are set properly.  You have to set the flags on each individual body and armor parts listed in the .nif.  While looking at the file, there was a point when I rotated the image, part of the right leg became transparent.  However, I was not able to duplicate it.  I have never had this happen to me.  If the shader flags were not correct in a .nif that I had used in blender, the armor was completely invisible. 

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28 minutes ago, M48A5 said:

I looked at the .nif file that you have and none of the ShaderFlags are set properly.  You have to set the flags on each individual body and armor parts listed in the .nif.  While looking at the file, there was a point when I rotated the image, part of the right leg became transparent.  However, I was not able to duplicate it.  I have never had this happen to me.  If the shader flags were not correct in a .nif that I had used in blender, the armor was completely invisible. 


I don't understand, I thought I set the flags you mentioned.

Could you describe how you set the flags properly as I guess I'm doing it wrong?


My process has been, open in nifscope > Left click part right pane > expand left pane > click BSShaderPPLighting Property > double click shader flags in block details (brings up a drop down to check off flags) > Make sure the flags you mentioned were checked > Save.

Does this not save it correctly?

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I solved my issue, it wasn't the shader flags.

Outfit studio was changing the NiTriShapeData 'center' and 'radius' values.

I went and changed them back to their initial values and the suddenly becoming invisible when close problem vanished.

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Scratch that, the problem persists.

What I did notice though is that the original T4 meshes and my BnB'd meshes have the exact same shader flags, and the originals don't have the invisibility issue.

I'm trying to do side by side comparisons in nifscope to see what is different in my new mesh but I'm struggling to spot what it is.

That center and radius was the first discrepancy I had found. and it did reduce the problem a little, I had to get way closer and face down to notice the issue after, but it was still bugged. although it didn't help with the benny outfit, that one is by far the worst and goes invisible from quite far away.

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