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Scamp Staff Item Script Help

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Hello, so i am trying to make an item that function similarly to what the Staff of the Everscamp does, but changing a few thing around to make it helpful rather than annoying

after taking a look at how the Quest/Scamps i have a basic idea on how the scamps work, but its the item part that i am going to have issues with, Since the original script is just to progress the quest and not in a way affecting the scamps, its not very helpful for me, so here is the idea for what i thought the item could do;

while the item is in the inventory, the scamps will follow the player, and attack enemies if they are attacking the player, and if the player accidentally hits them, they wont be aggressive to the player.

so i already have an idea for the scamps being initially being disabled, and then when the player, grabs the staff from a container, the scamps get enabled and moved to them, but i just need help on two parts in particular, "while the item is in the inventory" and the "if the player accidentally hits them, they wont be aggressive to the player" parts, as i do not know how to go about doing this

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i am not using a quest, i am just using an item and the script for the creature itself

and i think i can i just need to make it only run once so i could put in the gamemode block

if (everscampRef.GetIgnoreFriendlyHits == 0)
 SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1

just a basic concept for now, but the idea is that it will grab the persistent reference of the scamp, and check it if it isnt ignoring hits, and if it isnt ignoring hits, change it so that it is, and it doesnt have to be on the scamps itself, i could put it on the staff.

and yes they are in the player faction

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2 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

But with this script GetIgnoreFriendlyHits function will run every frame, which is also wholly unnecessary. Why not put SetIgnoreFriendlyHits into OnLoad or OnReset block of the scamp itself? You'd need to test it, but I think that would be enough.

so like this then?

Scriptname AXMCreatureEverscampScript

Float Timer
Short Dead

Begin OnDeath
 Set Timer to 10
 Set Dead to 1
 ModDisposition Player 100

Begin OnLoad
 if (AXMEverscampRef01.GetIgnoreFriendlyHits == 0) || (AXMEverscampRef02.GetIgnoreFriendlyHits == 0) || (AXMEverscampRef03.GetIgnoreFriendlyHits == 0) || (AXMEverscampRef04.GetIgnoreFriendlyHits == 0)
  SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1

Begin Gamemode
 if Dead == 1
  if (GetInSameCell Player == 0)
   Set Timer to 0
  if Timer > 0
   Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed
   Set Dead to 0
   Resurrect 1
   PlayMagicEffectVisuals BABO



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ok so after an initial test, i ran into a few issues, first is that the item is behind a Teleport Spell area, and the scamps do not travel to the player after they use a teleport spell to leave the area, and my item script works, but i dont think the follow package is doing that great considering that they dont really follow the player that well, and if your not in combat, and ignore hits is there, are they suppose to attack you?, because the is that they dont attack you no matter what

Edit: and apparently adding the item through the console just crashes the game

Edited by bomo99
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