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Controller Sensitivity increase


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I think im definitly not the only one whose noticed the controller speed in this game is just not good. Even using the fast setting on PC, it still quite slow. Meanwhile switching to Mouse and keyboard makes it super crisp.

Ive tried to play around in regedit with some sensitivty values i found but nothing had an effect. Im hoping someone more knowledagble will be able to figure it out.

Essentially we need to make panning faster - ive ntoiced there are two diffrent sensitivites used:

A - Standing still - this is the slowest in the game. Its takes moving the right stick all the way to the edge to fully pan.

B - Wen running - the sensitity is slightly higher here. You can pan abit easier and its closer to the ideal sensitivty.

I really hope someone can find a solution. The default settings are bad.


Edited by b0uncyfr0
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