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Honestly, I'm surprised no one has made an overhaul of that dwemer home. There are great overhauls of Hendraheim and the Tundra Homestead, but nothing for Nchuanthumz. Why? The place has more than enough room to turn it into, say, a Luxury Bathing suite (for anyone who prefers another far off, cold and underground location, dwemer style or no)...

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I have it but haven't set foot in yet, just assigned it its bit in Diziet's Undressing patches. If I care to restart my run yet AGAIN I can edit it out with the Content Picker, I suppose.

The fact it takes the damn Picker to cherry-pick the CC Clump (WHY, Bathysphere? WHY?) may explain reluctance to work with a lot of these things. Aversion. Allergies. You get the picture.

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On 8/15/2024 at 7:21 PM, BlazeStryker said:

I have it but haven't set foot in yet, just assigned it its bit in Diziet's Undressing patches. If I care to restart my run yet AGAIN I can edit it out with the Content Picker, I suppose.

The fact it takes the damn Picker to cherry-pick the CC Clump (WHY, Bathysphere? WHY?) may explain reluctance to work with a lot of these things.

Not using either Diziel's mod or the Picker. Of the CC content I haven't explored so far: Dead Man's Dread and Gallow's Hall. I'm not sure I'd cherry-pick stuff. If Bethesda did another round of CCC, where they choose from whatever mods we nominate, I think I'd pre-purchase that. 


On 8/15/2024 at 4:45 AM, SirCadsimar said:

Aye, the glitchiest and most unstable of the Creation Club homes.  It's no wonder to me why it has the least amount of mods editing it...

Nchuathumz, glitchy? Not in my setup! I have Fantasia and Skyland B&B installed and experienced no problems with the home so far. If anything is "glitchy", it's a mod like Immersive Patrols II... 


Oh, sorry! Thank you both for replying.

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There are a huge number of un-merged and somewhat jankily implemented single weapon or armor set mods or incomplete quests. There's a damned good reason for the massive rework/expansion of Saints and Seducers and that same clunky chunkiness unfortunately applies to the rest. over 10% of the available bsa files got tied up in the CC content shotgunning. I use the Picker for a very important reason.


All that aside, there hasn't been all that much work on any of the CC-added homes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aye, the glitchiest and most unstable of the Creation Club homes.  It's no wonder to me why it has the least amount of mods editing it...

While I don't have any glitchy crap going on within the old homestead itself this might go some way to explaning why there's a full on dragon attack going on inside Frostroot cave every time I go there.

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