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I have this bug


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I just started a new game last night as well and had the exact same issue. It took me almost half an hour to get around it.

If I recall correctly, what worked for me was spawning a simple iron dagger (I didn't want to overpower my character) and then equipping it.

help "iron dagger" 4 weap

player.additem [the item id] 1

player.openactorcontainer 1

*equipped the dagger*

Then when I went into combat mode, everything got fixed and stayed fixed. I've been playing several hours without problem since then.

I still had to let the NPC of my choice cut my bonds later to clear the ropes, but the animations were fine after equipping the dagger.

p.s. For me the problem started after character creation the moment I switched to third person view. Restarting the game or loading a save after character creation didn't fix it. Only equipping the dagger (presumably forcing a non-bound animation) is what fixed it.

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